বুধবার, ৩১ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Japan's Softbank plans $8.8 billion in capex this fiscal year


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রবিবার, ২৮ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

100 Screened For Obesity, BMI At CampYour Health Journal | Your ...

From The Times Of India?..

Obesity check and body mass index (BMI) screening camp was organized at Dayanand Medical College and Hospital on Saturday.

Bariatric surgeons Dr Ashish Ahuja and Dr P S Nain, told the gathering that obesity has emerged as a silent lifestyle disease over the years.

?Overall, 2.5 million deaths are attributed to overweight or obesity worldwide,? they said, pointing out that more than 60% young obese patients suffer from diabetes mellitus Type 2 along with blood pressure and heart disease, which is increasing day by day in younger population.

During the camp, around 100 people were screened by Dr Amit Berry, assistant professor of medicine. Dietician Shweta Batta guided the audience about managing weight loss with simple techniques.

?Initially I was shy, but then I decided to come. I realized there are many like me who were grappling with the same problem of weight loss. I got to know a lot of tips for loosing weight and an understanding of surgical options available for treating the same.

To read the full story?..Click here

This entry was posted in Health / Fitness Articles and tagged BMI, Health, Len Saunders by Len Saunders. Bookmark the permalink.

Source: http://www.lensaunders.com/wp/?p=6019

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শনিবার, ২৭ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

KLUTCHclub Subscription Review | The Budget Fashionista

If you follow my posts here at The Budget Fashionista, then you?re probably aware of my monthly box subscription obsession. I love monthly beauty boxes because a) mail is fun and b) trying new products is fun. I was tickled pink (my husband calls me a ?grandma? for using that expression, by the way) to discover a new monthly box subscription that?s a little different from the rest: KLUTCHclub. Clarification: Different equals good.

While it does include some beauty items, KLUTCHclub?s ultimate focus is holistic health, fitness and wellness products. Self-admission: I don?t exactly adhere to my workout schedule every week, and I occasionally indulge in not-so-healthy food items. With that said, I do take pride in my otherwise-healthy lifestyle decisions. I decided to give KLUTCHclub a go. Here are the deets (and some pictures) from my first box:

What is KLUTCHclub? As mentioned above, KLUTCHclub is a monthly subscription box that?s filled with all kinds of health and wellness goodies. The products are delivered in a box straight to your door every month. The service?s ultimate focus is holistic health, so you?ll find organic skin care products, nutritional supplements/bars/drinks and items that?ll motivate you in the fitness department.

What?s the Cost? The monthly subscription is $18. You can also subscribe to a year?s worth of boxes and the price drops to $16, or at three months to $17. Each box contains at least $50 or more worth of products, so you do get your money?s worth.

What Kinds of Things Come in the Box?

KlutchClub Review: Throw a Health Fit with KLUTCHclubs Holistic Monthly Box Subscription

You?ll find everything from fitness DVDs to all-natural energy bars to holistic teas and organic skincare products. KLUTCHclub fills their boxes with new products from niche brands, so you?ll definitely learn about new products and businesses. My first box (which arrived in October), included Yurbuds (sport earphones made for fitness lovers), DeVita Natural Eyeliner (chemical-free mineral eyeliner) and Hungershield (natural appetite-control drink mix), among others. You can find out what was in past boxes by clicking here.

How Big are the Products? Some of the products are full-sized, while others are sample sizes. There seems to be enough to get a true feel for the products, though.

Additional info: There are two separate boxes?one for women and another for men. There seems to be some overlap in products for both, but separating men and women allows for better product targeting.

If you want to check out KLUTCHclub for yourself, visit their Web site and mosey around.

Source: http://www.thebudgetfashionista.com/archive/klutchclub-box-review/

kasey kahne

The Hobbit Set Visit Report


Earlier this year, I fulfilled a dream: I visited Middle Earth (also known as New Zealand).? As a huge fan of Peter Jackson?s Lord of the Rings trilogy, it was everything I?d hoped it would be and more.? ?While on set with a few other online reporters, we got to watch a few scenes get filmed, interview almost the entire cast and most of the crew, and we saw firsthand how much love is being put into making The Hobbit trilogy as amazing as the LOTR trilogy.? It was an experience I?ll never forget.

With the first film, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, opening December 14, WB has lifted part of the embargo and after the jump you can check out my list of 65 things to know about the film plus links to a number of on set interviews.

the-hobbit-an-unexpected-journey-martin-freemanThe first thing to know is when I visited the set, the plan was to release two Hobbit films.? However, since that time, Peter Jackson and WB have decided to release The Hobbit as a trilogy, with the following release dates:

  • The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (December 14, 2012)
  • The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (December 13, 2013)
  • The Hobbit: There and Back Again (July 18, 2014)

While I?m incredibly excited to get even more of The Hobbit on movie screens, the change to a trilogy does present one big problem: everything I saw on set is now in the second film and it?s still under embargo.

What that means is, while I?d like to tell you about ____ fighting ____, or talk about how incredible to was to watch Peter Jackson direct ____, for now you?ll just have to trust me when I say The Hobbit trilogy is going to be everything you hope it would be and more.

In addition, while I?m still under embargo from talking about The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, in about a year, you can expect a massive in depth write up about everything I saw and even more on set interviews.

70 Things to Know About The Hobbit:

peter-jackson-the-hobbitDuring my group interviews with the cast and crew I learned a lot of cool little facts about the films. I?m going to assume everyone reading this is familiar with the cast, knows the films were shot in 3D/48fps (frames per second), and has been paying attention over the last two years as we?ve covered these films in detail.

  • There are two film units shooting all the time.? Peter Jackson directs the first unit and Andy Serkis is directing second unit.
  • Peter Jackson is once again pushing film technology forward with something called ?SLAVE MOTION CONTROL.?? This technology allows characters of different sizes to do scenes together at the same time.? What happens is one camera is ?on? and on camera is slave to the other one, so actors will be on two different soundstages but filming the same scene.? This was used when Ian McKellen (Gandolf) filmed his scenes with the dwarfs and Bilbo in Bag End as he was in another stage acting with all of them.? While it?s complicated technology, it allows for more movie magic to be done in camera.
  • The Hobbit takes place 60 years before the event of Lord of the Rings
  • The shoot is scheduled for 254 days.
  • The Hobbit is has a fairy tale quality to it as the group is chasing gold and there is a dragon.

Here?s some more highlights broken down by who said them.


  • Jackson explains the difference between Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.? Rings is ?good and evil, black and white??the world is at stake.? The Hobbit has more of a fairy tale quality, ?slaying dragons and going for gold.?
  • In Tolkien?s book, Bilbo doesn?t feel the negative effects when he puts on the ring because he added those effects two decades later for the Rings trilogy.? The effects of the ring will gradually build up over the course of the Hobbit movies.? Jackson says, ?So the first time he puts it on it?s simply a magic ring, but each time he puts it on the effect of it gets to him a bit more.?
  • They turned to Tolkien?s appendices for more backstory on why Gandalf chose Bilbo for this task.? Gandalf remembers Bilbo as a young child who loves adventure and danger, and is disappointed to find that Bilbo has become stuffy and conservative 18 years later.
  • Jackson was reluctant to take the director?s chair even after Guillermo del Toro left because the ensemble of thirteen dwarves ?terrified? him.? But he?s done a complete turnaround, and now calls the dwarf ensemble the ?great joy of the movie.?



  • They didn?t redesign Gollum, but using the advances in technology over the last decade they were able to make him behave more natural and realistic.
  • 48fps forced the visual effects team to do twice as much work in terms of processing and calculation, but the people at WETA say the change from 2D to 3D was more impactful from a creative standpoint.
  • The visual effects team didn?t reuse any backgrounds or digital elements from The Lord of the Rings because their approaches had been developed over the past decade.? In fact, advances in the visual effects realm moved so quickly that they had to digitally rebuild Gollum from Two Towers to Return of the King.

Martin Freeman:

Sir Ian McKellen:

Richard Armitage:

hobbit-an-unexpected-journeyWeta Workshop:

  • Vast improvements were made in makeup since Lord of the Rings, so the new type of silicone used on the dwarves doesn?t require constant maintenance as the one for Gimli did.? It?s easier to apply and paint and it?s virtually heat-proof, water-proof, and fire-proof.
  • Gimil?s makeup took three-and-a-half hours, but the face application for Thorin is only an hour.
  • The longest makeup of the dwarves is Bombur, and he takes an hour and 45 minutes to apply.? The shortest makeup is Kili who takes 30 minutes or less because he just has a nose prosthetic.
  • They had to do a lot of camera tests for 48fps, because when you put an actor with a face prosthetic in front of the RED Epic at 48fps, the prosthetic came up yellow and you could see exactly where it was.? To overcompensate, they had to apply more red to the makeup.
  • The one makeup technology that?s been kept exactly the same since LOTR is the Elf ears, for which they use gelatin.
  • They used foam latex feet that were glued on for LOTR, but for The Hobbit they?ve created ?slip-ons? that are much, much easier to apply and can come on and off during the day.? The new Hobbit feet are also able to make the toes move.
  • the-hobbit-an-unexpected-journey-dwarvesThe dwarves wear prosthetic arms and hands so that the proportions add up after they?ve done the scale effects work.
  • Dwalin?s arm tattoos are painted on his slip-on prosthetic arms, but his head tattoos are done in makeup using a stamp.
  • They use an expert wig-maker for the film, and some of the wigs cost $10,000.
  • Galadriel, Legolas, and Frodo?s wigs in The Hobbit are the same ones that were used in LOTR.
  • Thorin was the most difficult dwarf design to get right.? He had the most wig changes and prosthetic changes throughout the design process.

Visual Effects and Makeup:

  • Weta Workshop created about 500 primary illustrations for conceptual designs; the same team churned out over 8,000 digital paintings for The Hobbit trilogy.
  • The design team not only had to overcome the challenge of making each of the individual Dwarves unique and recognizable, but also to adjust their head-to-body ratios through padding and prostheses to achieve the proper look.
  • ian-mckellan-hugo-weaving-the-hobbit-an-unexpected-journeyNone of the Dwarves have facial prostheses below the nose line or past the crow?s feet in order to save application time and keep the actors? mouths free from restriction.
  • On the Dwarves? character traits: Ori is a mama?s boy and still sports purple bows she tied into his hair before leaving, Dwalin is a war-hardened soldier and wears his battle scars proudly, Gloin controls the money during the voyage and is also fond of grooming his hair in an elaborate fashion, Bifur has an Orc axe embedded in his skull which causes a nervous tic and some mental impairment, Bombur is the most massive and the strongest of the Dwarves who also uses his beard as a garrote to draw enemies in against his stomach to dispatch them, Gloin exhibits shades of The Lord of the Rings? Gimli, and Nori has the most dramatic silhouette, Balin has no mustache, Thorin gave the team the toughest challenge as he goes through a series of prosthetic and costume changes.
  • Jed Brophy (Nori) also played numerous characters in The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
  • Nearly 800 individual weapons were made for the 13 Dwarves, accounting for the principal actors, scale doubles, stunt doubles, picture doubles and sometimes a riding double.
  • One of the weapons is a sort of stirrup spear the team calls a ?pig-sticker? which allows the wielder to stand resolute against a charging board.
  • Many of the props are now made using 3D printing, complemented by hands-on fabrications. The technology is limited only by the size of the printer and the design software used for it.? Theoretically, 3D printers could be used to create large-scale props and, eventually, even full sets.
  • the-hobbit-image-martin-freemanSwords, for example, have 3D-milled blades that are hand-tooled by swordsmiths, while the grip and cross-guard is 3D printed; a much more efficient process than making them all by hand.
  • All of the Dwarves wore enlarged prosthetic hands.? The design team even improved upon the prosthetic feet by developing silicone leg boots and integrating running toe-shoes into the design.
  • The shoot averaged between 36 and 48 prostheses needed every day.
  • Due to increased definition of current filming practices, it?s become harder to fool the eye and blur the line between prosthetic and actor.? The design team uses extremely thin acrylic and silicone-layered applications that are even impregnated with corpuscle (free floating cells, i.e. blood cells) that scatter and reflect light similarly to skin.
  • Facial prostheses, which can be as thin as 0.1 mm, are made using molds with a material called syntactic dough.
  • Somewhere between 600-800 Elven ears were produced for the films.
  • Film captures the moisture in the air between the lens and the actor, blurring the lines between prostheses and skin.? Digital camera technology has challenged the effects team because it has the ability to see through this moisture barrier.

Bob Buck ? Costume Department

  • They amped up the color in the costume department to keep with The Hobbit?s lighter tone in relation to The Lord of the Rings.
  • Gandalf?s costume is the same as in the trilogy except he now has an Elven scarf.
  • In crafting the look and costumes of Bilbo, Peter Jackson wanted to emulate Tolkien himself since both are ?country gentlemen.?
  • They created six stages of Bilbo?s costume to reflect the things that happen to him throughout the course of the movie.
  • Pretty much every thing you see in the film, costume-wise, was made from scratch, including the buttons.
  • Shooting at 48 fps ?oomphs? up the color and picks up more detail, so the costume department had to be conscious of this when crafting the costumes.
  • The dwarf costumes were made slightly larger so it looks like they were made by people with fat fingers, and also so they would still look realistic when they?re scaled down.
  • martin-freeman-the-hobbit-imageIn the book, the dwarves are distinguished by hoods of different colors. They didn?t want to be that literal in the film, so the colors have been pulled into other aspects of their respective costumes.
  • For the dwarves? shoes, they had the bigger actors wear size 22 shoes and the smaller actors wear size 18.? In order to keep them from falling off, they actually had a smaller shoe built inside the large shoe.
  • Since Gloin is related to Gimili from LOTR, they wanted to keep a connection with the costumes of the two characters.
  • All the original costumes?like Gandalf?s?from the LOTR trilogy are locked up in storage and preserved, so they can?t be reused.

Art Department

martin-freeman-the-hobbit-an-unexpected-journey-posterArt Department quotes on how 48fps impacted their jobs:

?It meant that we?re being a little bit more careful about what the finished surfaces are like. How our texture treatments are done, and just by pushing that much more detail into everything. It?s actually enriched the propage and the sets a whole lot more, I think, because we?re quite often using real materials instead of prop making plastics and things. I think it?s better as an interactive thing as well for the actors because they?re interacting with glass instead of plastic and ceramics instead of card.?

?It has made our job more interesting. If you walk into a set and you don?t feel you?re there, it?s not working. It?s that active. Normally you could cheat a bit here and cheat a bit there.?

?Gone were the days where you could say, ?Aw, that?s just background, we won?t have to worry about that too much.? ?

Makeup Department On the Makeup and 48 fps:

?Yeah, it?s the color. What we learned, because even though I?ve been working with this material for about five years, I?ve never seen it on the Epic, at that rate. And what we found when we made these guys up, to the eye, if I was standing right in front of you and I had a piece on, you wouldn?t be able to tell. In front of the camera, they way it was reading, it was kicking yellow. And so you can actually see where the piece was. It was like the camera was picking up something that the human eye wasn?t seeing, and so they were kicking yellow. So what we had to do was overcompensate for the camera and put more red into them.?

?Yeah. And then when we?re on green screen, we have to kick the reds even more, because the green screen sucks out the reds as well. And that happens just on film as well. But yeah, painting for the invisible eye, we call it. And it?s a fine line, you can go too red and it appears really wacky. But if you go too little, you have this jaundiced guy.?

Final Words:

As you might imagine, getting to spend two days on the set of The Hobbit is something I?ll never forget.? I got to see up close the time and energy Peter Jackson and his team are putting in to make sure this trilogy is as good, if not better, than the Lord of the Rings films.? From what I saw, I?m beyond confident they will meet their goal.

Finally, as I already mentioned, in about a year, when The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug is getting ready to come out, you can expect a much more in depth report.? Until then?.

Here is more from my Hobbit set visit:

  • Peter Jackson Talks Similarities and Differences to Lord of the Rings, Shooting in 3D and 48 fps, His Initial Reluctance to Direct, and More on the Set of The Hobbit
  • Ian McKellan Talks Returning to Middle Earth, Differences from the Book, Advances in Technology and Filming in 3D, and More on the Set of The Hobbit
  • Martin Freeman Talks the Impact of The Ring on Bilbo, Ian Holm?s Performance, Being a Fan Favorite for the Role, and More on the Set of The Hobbit
  • Richard Armitage Talks Dwarf Humor, Script Changes During Production, Parallels Between Thorin and Frodo?s Journeys, and More on the Set of The Hobbit
  • Weta Workshop Head Richard Taylor Talks Turning Actors into Dwarves, Developing the Film?s Weapons, and More on the Set of The Hobbit


Source: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/1926144/news/1926144/

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শুক্রবার, ২৬ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

New York Times releases Windows 8 app for all the news that's fit to tile


The newspaper of record announced today that it will be arriving on Windows 8 tomorrow, offering up full articles, videos, photos and blogs to subscribers. Non-subscribers, on the other hand, will just get access to the Top News section. Also new in the world of New York Times / Microsoft teamups is the arrival of a NYT channel in the Bing News app. More info on both after the break.

Continue reading New York Times releases Windows 8 app for all the news that's fit to tile

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New York Times releases Windows 8 app for all the news that's fit to tile originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 25 Oct 2012 14:52:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/MoCAs9cacdY/

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

FIRST LOOK: See Justin & Jessica's Wedding Photo

The couple revealed the first photo from their special day! Look back at how their relationship has blossomed over the years

Source: http://www.ivillage.com/justin-timberlake-jessica-biel-engagement-photos/1-b-415522?dst=iv%3AiVillage%3Ajustin-timberlake-jessica-biel-engagement-photos-415522

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Walmart legal troubles mount as Black Friday walkout looms | The ...

By The Christian Science Monitor
Wednesday, October 24, 2012 3:48 EDT


Walmart legal troubles mount as Black Friday walkout looms

Walmart workers aren?t happy, and they?re letting their employer know it. In the midst of worker strikes in several cities and the looming threat of a mass employee walkout on Black Friday (one of the busiest shopping days of the year), the world?s largest retailer has been hit with a class action?







Source: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/10/24/walmart-legal-troubles-mount-as-black-friday-walkout-looms/

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মঙ্গলবার, ২৩ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Ace Hotel Share Their Philosophy and Preview Their New Reigning ...

Part of the success of Ace Hotel has been its refusal to adhere to any defined set of boundaries. Whether collaborating with fashion labels like wings + horns and Generic Surplus or with Uslu Airlines for it own line of nail polish, the company and its founders have reinvented ?hospitality? by focusing instead on full cultural experiences for its guests. Built around ?collaborations and friendships with local designers, artists and independent businesses,? each Ace Hotel location is unique and individual to its setting and ?residents.?We recently sat down with Alex Calderwood ? hotelier, ?cultural engineer? and co-founder of Ace Hotel Group ? to find out more about the company?s latest partnership with Reigning Champ, the CYC-owned label specializing in comfortable, well-made basics. Along the way, we found out more about the defining characteristics of Ace Hotel, the thinking behind its brand alignments and the future of the boutique chain.

Read the interview below and be sure to check out the new Ace Hotel x Reigning Champ items, available at the Ace Hotel online shop.

Can you introduce yourself?
My name?s Alex and I am a co-founder of Ace Hotel Group.

Ace Hotel has done a great job of bringing an added element to collaboration and user experience. What prompted Ace Hotel to go this route?
We like to work with people who are innovators in their field and create great things or ideas, and thus highlight their talents. Collaborations help satisfy a curiosity we have for how things work and how they?re made. It?s always a rewarding learning process to be able to have a dialogue with a person or a group of people who you genuinely admire.

What sort of brands do you see yourself aligning with most often?
Our alliances and creative unions tend to follow lines of common interests and mutual curiosity. It normally starts with either an existing friendship or a cup of coffee with someone. If it expands beyond that, it does so more or less organically. We think it?s important to let things unfold on their own.

Atelier Ace seems unparalleled in its approach to embracing in-house creatives for all things Ace Hotel. What?s the purpose and strategy of Atelier Ace?
Atelier Ace is the in-house studio for all Ace Hotels. The Atelier team handles cultural programming, marketing, concept and other aspects of interior design, brand relationships, social media, web design, graphic and textual identity. It?s also an incubator for ideas going forward, for both new and existing hotels and whatever else the future may hold. It?s a self-educating unit that works hard and dreams big.

How does Ace Hotel slot it amongst the increasingly competitive boutique hotel landscape? What makes it different from others?
We stand apart in the sense that we?re not locked into a set of parameters ? we have an idiosyncratic and dynamic definition of Ace, that really rests on ideas and not trends. While there?s a commonality of voice at all of our properties, each is inspired by its location ? city, neighborhood, building, community, history, and all the ineffable and immaterial elements that make a ?place.?

To what extent have you considered overseas Ace Hotels?
There are so many cities we?re in love with around the globe ? we?re excited about pursuing interesting buildings and good partnerships, and our ears and hearts are open to the right opportunities.

What factors into your strategy to entering new cities and locations?
The short answer is inspiration. It could be the context of location, the people, the history, the building. But something with a story that we can hopefully weave our own chapter into.

Your most recent collaboration involves Reigning Champ. What?s your working relationship with Craig and the guys over at CYC/RC?
We?ve been friends with Craig for years. In a past life, Craig and I worked on several projects together. Because there?s a history, the process is easy. We know each other, how we work and what each others? tastes are. And Reigning Champ makes beautiful, sturdy things. Ace?s first collaboration with Craig was actually with his other brand, wings + horns. We co-designed a bathrobe inspired by boxing robes that we hang in the rooms at Ace Hotel New York. They?re one of the most popular collaborations we?ve done ? a staple of the guest experience, and a top request on our online shop and from the front desk.

Given the perceived simplicity of Reigning Champ?s bread-and-butter fleece, how did you look to make your mark?
We took Reigning Champ?s classic sportswear and highlighted their construction with color contrast flat-lock stitching, custom labeling, and Ace touches like screen prints and patches inspired by vintage and new ideas.

What can we look forward to in the future from Ace Hotel?
Downtown Los Angeles. We?re opening up a new Ace in downtown LA on the site of the landmark United Artists Theater ? a beautiful example of Gothic Revival architecture built by Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks and company as the flagship of their upstart production company. It?s a place that?s teeming with history and inspiration and part of a broader project to revitalize downtown LA. We?re proud to be a part of it.

Source: http://hypebeast.com/2012/10/the-ace-hotel-share-their-philosophy-and-preview-their-new-reigning-champ-project/

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সোমবার, ২২ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

শনিবার, ২০ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Bruno Mars May See 'Schweddy Balls II' On 'Saturday Night Live'

Mars will pull double duty as host and musical guest on this weekend's 'SNL,' and, yes, he's sort of freaked out by that fact.
By James Montgomery

Bruno Mars
Photo: MTV News

Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1695802/bruno-mars-saturday-night-live.jhtml

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Building a web site is just part of the process of getting your business noticed online. SEO is a key part of the puzzle. If you manage to achieve a high ranking, you should prepare for a dramatic increase in the amount of traffic you see from targeted traffic. Use the practical search engine optimization tips you learn here to get the best website ranking for your business.

Before starting anything with SEO, you first will want to have your web analytics set up. Purchase the analytics software so you can have it available to see the results of your online marketing tactics. With the analytics software, you?ll be able to see which attempts are successful and where you?ll want to tweak your plan.

When creating URL names for your separate pages, remember that spiders are not able to make sense of session id names and dynamic language, like /page_id=59. Incorporate a keyword into a naturally flowing URL for best results.

It?s common for search engine spiders to look for new content, so when you?re regularly adding new posts through a blog, you?re giving the spiders a reason to visit your site. Furthermore, truly good-quality content will often be passed around. Those who appreciate your content will make the effort to bookmark your site for regular visits in the future.

Take the time to become knowledgeable about strong and weak keywords. When you are building your site, find what keywords work for you. This allows you to know what potential visitors are looking up in your category. Keeping this content highlighted helps raise your search engine rankings.

Think about ways people might search for your website, and be sure to incorporate those keywords and phrases into your site that will help them find you. Make sure to include the keywords in your title tags and main content. Be aware that ?keyword stuffing? is a grave offense that could get your site de-listed from search engines.

You entire website such be easy to navigate and read. If you want your site to attain higher rankings, be sure it is completely functional, clear and easy to read, and has such functions like font changing capability. Make your site for people and the search engines.

Offering valuable or useful content will get you a higher search ranking than just offering things for sale. If you are having trouble creating informative content, try creating a top-ten list about your product. You can also try posting an informational article that demonstrates how to utilize a product in everyday life.

Be aware of the many different ways that you can get links directed towards your site, like article writing, message forums, directory submissions and blogs. Reliable and legitimate outbound links are essential when planning a search engine optimization strategy.

When you add a site map to your site you add in an essential part for search engine optimization procedures. Site maps make it significantly easier for search engine crawlers and spiders to access every webpage on your website. You may need to include a few site maps, if you have a big website. A good rule of thumb is to not have lots of links on each site map.

Write your title with a focus on your pertinent keywords so that you will receive the highest response from SEO. Use the same title tag for multiple pages to get the best search engine results. Also end your title link with your company name, which will connect all pages together. While your company name is important, it probably isn?t the first thing most potential customers will search for.

You might only be able to get your site optimized for two good search engines, depending on your resources. Content with lots of keywords throughout your site will be an advantage no matter the search site. , Ask. The major search engines all favor different SEO elements.

While these tips on SEO are useful now, remember that the algorithms for search engines are always changing. Because of this, you need to make a habit of keeping up with current affairs in the SEO

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Source: http://blogs.lizardwebs.net/2012/10/increase-site-traffic-with-these-search-engine-optimization-tips/

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